Te Reo Tukutuku
Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te wheiao!

Seated L-R: Bernie O'Donnell (former Hoa-Toihau), Erana Reedy, Brenda Soutar
Absent: Teina Boasa-Dean, Tukiterangi Curtis, Rangi McLean
Ngā Rōpū Tūroa:
Koia nei ngā Rōpū Tūroa e whakakanohitia ana i Te Reo Tukutuku:
Te Hapori
Te Runanga o Te Ataarangi Trust, Māori Women’s Welfare League Incorporated, NZ Māori Council.
Te Pāpāho
Te Whakaruruhau o ngā Reo Irirangi Māori o Aotearoa, Ngā Aho Whakaari.
Te Mātauranga
Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust, Te Runanga Nui o Ngā KKM o Aotearoa, Te Ringa Raupā o Ngā Kura-ā-Iwi, Te Tauihu o Ngā Wananga.
Te Hunga Noho Tāone
National Urban Māori Authority.
Ngā Aronga Haumitanga Matua a Te Reo Tukutuku:
- Tukuihotanga - Initiatives that enable improved transfer of
intergenerational knowledge within whānau and
communities, particularly across the legacy groups. - Toitūtanga - New and innovative national or multi-regional
initiatives that offer a step change in increasing
the availability and access of native reo Māori. - Ūkaipōtanga - Continue to support proven initiatives that
contribute to increasing te reo o te kāinga.
Tikiake te Mahere Haumitanga i konei [PDF, 1.4 MB]
There are four sector interest areas that make up Te Reo Tukutuku Investment Cluster:
- Te Hapori
- Te Mātauranga
- Te Pāpāho
- Te Hunga Noho Taone
Pae Motuhake, representing iwi and Māori interests, develop the investment plan and key priorities for each Kāhui and make recommendations to the Board of Te Mātāwai for approval.
Te Pae Motuhake o Te Reo Tukutuku:
- Brenda Soutar (Board Member) Education
- Tukiterangi Curtis - Education
- Teina Boasa-Dean (Board Member) Community
- Tane Cook – Community
- Kylie Brown – (Board Member) Media and Māori Broadcasting
- Erana Reedy – Media and Māori Broadcasting
- Tunuiarangi McLean - Urban Māori
- Carel Smith - Pou Reo
- Te Roopuhina Te Aho
Te Pae Motuhake Role
Provide leadership of the Māori language at a local level |
Determine language revitalisation needs |
Utilise research to inform decisions |
Inform and influence Te Mātāwai Board |
Develop annual investment plans |
Recommend recipients of investment support |
Projects we've supported from 2023-2024:
Kaupapa name: | Delivery Type: | Amount: |
Hakipia 2. | Language classes,Resource production | $ 270,000.00 |
Ngā Pū Kōrero o Āpōpō | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning,Events,Other | $ 100,000.00 |
Te Manawataki o te Reo (Tau Tuarima) | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production,Language planning,Events | $ 100,000.00 |
Ngā Kupu Whakarite me ngā Huahuatau | Resource production | $ 98,000.00 |
Ko ngā whakaue ā Ngā Aho Whakaari | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 94,955.00 |
Puna Kupu 2023 | Resource production | $ 94,070.00 |
Te Kura Reo o Pōneke 2024 | Kura reo,Resource production | $ 94,000.00 |
He Iti te Kupu | Resource production | $ 90,688.00 |
Tainapu | Wānanga,Events | $ 90,000.00 |
Te Oranga o te reo taiao | Language classes,Resource production | $ 88,009.00 |
Te Kura Reo o Mātua Rautia | Kura reo | $ 80,000.00 |
Te Kura Reo ki Ōtaki 2023 | Kura reo | $ 78,000.00 |
Mātātoa 2023 | Resource production,Events | $ 76,500.00 |
Te Kaiaotanga o Te Reo | Events | $ 75,000.00 |
Te Kura Reo o Waimārama 2024 | Kura reo | $ 75,000.00 |
TE REO MANA MAURI O TE KAUNIHERA MĀORI O AOTEAROA | Wānanga,Language classes,Kura reo,Events | $ 75,000.00 |
Moko Ora Wānanga | Events,Other | $ 74,000.00 |
He Kura Reo Hei Āwhina i Te Roopu Wahine Māori Toko i te Ora | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 68,500.00 |
2023 Regional Tour, 'Te Kuia me te Pūngāwerewere' for tamariki nohinohi | Events | $ 60,000.00 |
He Rongoā te Reo Māori - Te Rautaki Reo Māori a Te Ohu Rata o Aotearoa (Te ORA) - Māori Medical Practitioners Association | Wānanga,Language classes,Kura reo,Resource production | $ 60,000.00 |
Matua Rautia te Tamaiti II | Wānanga,Language classes,Resource production | $ 59,960.00 |
Whakapiki Kāinga Reo | Wānanga,Language classes,Language planning | $ 59,750.00 |
Pānui | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 56,200.00 |
Ringawera | Resource production | $ 55,800.00 |
Reti Rapa ki te Hoe! | Wānanga,Language classes,Events,Other | $ 54,387.00 |
2 Couple To Kōrero? | Resource production | $ 54,300.00 |
Ko te reo kia rere ki Te Parehuia o Rongomaiwahine | Language classes,Language planning | $ 53,000.00 |
Tuakiritanga | Wānanga,Resource production | $ 50,000.00 |
Matika Mātātahi | Kura reo,Resource production,Language planning,Events | $ 47,775.00 |
Te Kura Reo o Te Herenga Waka (Reo Taiao) | Kura reo | $ 47,366.00 |
Korokī | Language classes | $ 47,000.00 |
Mataora | Wānanga,Language classes | $ 47,000.00 |
E Hoki ki tō maunga kia purea ai koe e ngā hau a Tāwhirimātea | Wānanga,Language planning | $ 46,550.00 |
TE AKA KI TE REO O TE KAUNIHERA MĀORI O AOTEAROA | Language classes,Kura reo,Events | $ 45,000.00 |
Ngā Uri Ā Tū | Wānanga,Resource production,Other | $ 42,690.00 |
Awhi Māmā | Language classes,Resource production | $ 40,000.00 |
Te Kura Rōia (Te Kura Reo a Te Hunga Rōia) | Kura reo | $ 32,503.00 |
Everyday Māori Podcast: Series 2 | Resource production | $ 31,200.00 |
He kupu, he ō | Language classes | $ 30,000.00 |
Kāinga Kōrero | Language classes,Resource production | $ 30,000.00 |
NUKU Te Hā o Hineahuone Wānanga Reo | Wānanga | $ 28,764.00 |
Te Akaaka Puhina : Kura Whakangungu o Te Ataarangi ki Te Upoko o Te Ika | Wānanga | $ 27,950.00 |
Whakakitenga a Rēhia | Events | $ 26,324.00 |
Akongia Te Kaiako | Wānanga,Resource production,Other | $ 25,000.00 |
Reo ki Uta, Reo ki Tai. | Wānanga,Resource production,Language planning,Events | $ 19,500.00 |
Kura Reo Whakatipu | Kura reo,Language planning | $ 19,085.00 |
Ha'ina ia mai ana ka puana o Te Parehuia - Let the story be told | Resource production | $ 18,200.00 |
Tahi Rau Mano Kōrerorero me te Matihiko (100,000 thousand video duets about digital technology) | Resource production | $ 15,000.00 |
Pīpī kōrero | Other | $ 9,000.00 |