Kia pakē mai tō reo, te kawa o te reo, i Te Matoe o te Reo!

This year’s Te Matoe o te Reo event will make its comeback to honour and elevate our cherished language, te reo Māori on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington from 9am – 4pm.
Held in Te Tai Hau-ā-uru, the annual Te Matoe o te Reo Symposium is a free public event and all ages can attend.
Aptly named by Te Āti Awa, Te Matoe o Te Reo refers to the heights and depths of our language and encourages people to drive their language journey to the upper most zenith and fill the vast expanse with te reo Māori; creating an endless realm of possibilities for the language to thrive.
Karepa Wall, Te Pae Motuhake o Te Tai Hau-ā-uru member, says “Te Matoe o te Reo is more than an event, a symposium, a convention. It is an opportunity to hear from people and whānau who have navigated the challenging, but rewarding, path of language revitalisation to show us all that ‘we can do it too’.”
This year the likes of Te Wehi Wright, Kahu Ropata, Honiana Love, Piripi Walker and more, will delve deep into the themes of Tuku Ihotanga (Intergenerational Transmission), Rumaki (Language Domains) and Mārama Pū (Critical Awareness).
“We’ve reached a time where the world is increasingly recognising the value of indigenous wisdom and language, and so Te Matoe o te Reo emerges as a beacon of hope and inspiration. The goal of Te Tai Hau-ā-uru is to rally an army of language champions committed to preserving and nurturing te reo Māori for generations to come,” said Karepa.
Te Mātāwai invests in Te Matoe o te Reo and will have a stall at the event. A livestream is also available on the Te Matoe o te Reo Facebook Event Page.
Purapura reo ki te haumako, ka pua, ka hua ki te uru e!