Appointment of Te Mātāwai Co-Chairs for 2021

Pānui Pāpāho

Outgoing Te Mātāwai Co-Chairs Te Waihoroi Shortland and Mereana Selby are delighted with the appointment of Reikura Kahi and Charlie (Tiare) Tepana as the Board’s new Co-Chairs to take effect from 1 January 2021.

“Both Reikura and Charlie have worked tirelessly over many decades promoting, practising, modelling and influencing the revitalisation of our language. Te Mātāwai will remain in good heart as the new Co-Chairs move to take over its governance on behalf of whānau, iwi, and language communities across Aotearoa,” said Mereana and Te Waihoroi.

Te Waihoroi and Mereana have contributed extensively to help revitalise the Māori language alongside Māori, Māori language communities and others. They are both confident that the new Co-Chairs will continue to breathe new life into Māori language initiatives for homes and communities across Aotearoa.

Tiare says “Reikura and I look forward to progressing the significant reo momentum established by Mereana and Waihoroi, the inaugural co-chairs of Te Mātāwai. Ko māua tēnei, te kura-unua, te tuku atu nei i a māua hei amo i te kaupapa whakahirahira nei, te reo Māori, kia rangatira tonu atu te whenua i a ia.”

Working alongside the Tumu Whakarae, Poia Rewi, the commitment from our new Co-Chairs to the partnership for Māori language revitalisation established under Te Ture mō te reo Māori 2016 will be further strengthened.