Terea Te Waka
Terea Te Waka is a great opportunity to celebrate and showcase some of our language champions from our communities and to come together and share ideas, strategies and approaches to Māori language revitalisation within our takiwā!
Buy tickets here(external link)
Te Mātāwai is excited to bring together a collection of Te Reo Māori champions from around the country to share their story with you. This conference is not solely focussed on the superstars of language revitalisation, but on the diversity of language domains for us to explore. We are thrilled to host an exciting range of guest speakers, which include: Tā Tipene O’Regan, Dr Hana O’Regan, Rawinia Higgins, Charisma Rangipunga, Kiwa Hammond, Megan Potiki, Rahera Cowie, Te Tai Tonga MP Takuta Ferris, Dr Eruera Tarena, Victoria Campbell and Kare Tipa. Other than our keynote speakers there will be 20 or more workshops for you to choose from.
Terea Te Waka is a great opportunity to celebrate and showcase some of our language champions from our communities and to come together and share ideas, strategies and approaches to Māori language revitalisation within our takiwā!