What We Invest In

Investment plans and priorities are set by the eight Kāhui and contribute towards achieving our priority outcomes:

  1. Tukuihotanga – Deliberate intergenerational transmission
  2. Hononga Hapori Reo – Connected language speaker communities

These outcomes will be driven by:

  • Mana Motuhake – Authority
  • Toitūtanga – Sustainability & Continuity

Pae Motuhake, representing iwi and Māori interests, develop the investment plan and key priorities for each kāhui, and make recommendations to the Board of Te Mātāwai for approval.

Read the Investment Plan for each kāhui before you submit an application.

You can view the variety of kaupapa we have supported here(external link)

For more information on our priorities, refer to our Statement of Intent 2024-2027(external link)